Corporate Massage Therapies specializes in Medical Massage techniques, which includes therapies for Posture Alignment and Balance, Joint Replacement Post Surgery treatments, including Lymphatic Drainage for Post Surgical Procedures, Scar tissue management, TMJ, and Visceral manipulation, and other muscular skeletal conditions.
Massage and bodywork can play an important role in rehab management between the time of post surgery until physical therapy is started; especially in helping managing post surigical swelling. This can begin as soon as day 7 after surgery, assuming no complications have occurred. Bodywork therapy continues to play an important role in improving posture muscle, fascia and other soft tissue realignment issues after surgery.
The images to the right represents a client that came in for treatment on day 6, with extensive swelling after Total Knee Replacement. Significant reduction in swelling and improvement in mobility was obtained after one lymphatic drainage treatment session. Subsequent sessions focused on swelling, scar tissue management and muscle and soft tissue realignment. After 6 sessions and week 5 1//2, the client had 130 degrees range of motion with minimum swelling, greatly reduced pain with medication needed only occassionally. The client was able to get more out of her Physical Therapy sessions sooner with more intensity than would have been the case with out the muscle therapy.
Click Photo - Total Knee Replacement Day 2 Post Surgery |